Friday, June 27, 2008

Health Benefits of a Chocolate Gift Basket

Sending a gift basket is simple. Sending a gift basket with health benefits is even better. It is a known fact that chocolate has health benefits. You can read an interesting article about those health benefits of chocolate at

A gift basket containing chocolate, particularly dark chocolate, has something called flavanoids. These flavanoids are best known for their antioxidant properties. Consuming antioxidants is beneficial to reduce the amount of damage that can occur to the cells inside your body; READ about the Top Healthiest Foods.

Eating chocolate is not the only way to keep a heart healthy. There are some
specific contents in the chocolate that help. The most beneficial is the
dark chocolate because of the flavonoids that it contains. Oddly enough the
manufactures of the chocolate destroyed many of the flavonoids in the early
days. Since the discovery of the health effects, manufacturers work very
hard to maintain 95% of it in the product. Since the taste of dark chocolate
is bitterer than semi-sweet, consider buying one with almonds and raisins of
one of each. This can add a little flair and variety to the bar

The bottom line here is that a gift basket is one thing, but a gift basket with health benefits that is great. has some incredible choices of stylish, fancy, and healthy baskets to choose from (Chocolate and Gourmet).
A few of the newest selections include the Bon Apetite Hamper, The Healthy Gourmet Gift Box, and our Smoked Salmon Line of Baskets (from Alaska Smokehouse). You can read more about smoked salmon and the benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids here.
Keep searching and send a gift basket with more than one meaning today, VISIT

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kosher Gift Baskets: baskets are for everyone

If you have a friend or close relative that follows Kosher law then finding a gift basket may be hard. For example when a person of the Jewish faith dies there is an event that takes place called "sitting SHIVA". There is a 7 day period in which the mourn. Sending the right basket to make the SHIVA period more tolerable is the perfect way to send your condolences. See a selection at . Kosher law also promotes various health benefits. You can read more about health issues at

If you are looking for a gift basket that is kosher then you need to see the selection at The reason for sending a kosher gift basket is because your recipient follows the guidelines of this special dietary restriction. To understand kosher diets you can go to Judiasm 101 and read about the laws, history, and other particulars.

"Even Chineese food can be kosher if it is prepared correctly and follows the standards". There is also no such thing as a Kosher-Style restaurant; it means that they serve the traditional Jewish food in accordance with kosher law. Oddly enough even traditional Jewish foods can be non-kosher if not prepared correctly.

Kosher essentially means that the foods are prepared in the proper and correct fashion according to Jewish law. The ingredients must not come from non-kosher animals or from kosher animals that were not slaughtered correctly. Some of the basic laws are listed below (from Judiasm 101) .
  1. Certain animals may not be eaten at all. This restriction includes the flesh, organs, eggs and milk of the forbidden animals.
  2. Of the animals that may be eaten, the birds and mammals must be killed in accordance with Jewish law.
  3. All blood must be drained from the meat or broiled out of it before it is eaten.
  4. Certain parts of permitted animals may not be eaten.
  5. Fruits and vegetables are permitted, but must be inspected for bugs
  6. Meat (the flesh of birds and mammals) cannot be eaten with dairy. Fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables and grains can be eaten with either meat or dairy. (According to some views, fish may not be eaten with meat).
  7. Utensils that have come into contact with meat may not be used with dairy, and vice versa. Utensils that have come into contact with non-kosher food may not be used with kosher food. This applies only where the contact occurred while the food was hot.
  8. Grape products made by non-Jews may not be eaten.
  9. There are a few other rules that are not universal.
The contents of a kosher gift basket include various fruits, nuts, and treats that have been prepared in the proper ritualistic fashion.

Finding a gift basket that follows Jewish Kosher Law (kashut) can be a challenge. has a wide selection of gift baskets that adhere to strict preparation. Send a message to the Kosher followers today.

The Art of Gifting a Gift Baskets: a gift with meaning

Is there really an art to gifting? The answer is clearly YES.

Gifting can also be called "gift giving". This is the practice of giving someone an item that they did not expect for a special reason or no reason. The art of gifting involves creativity, enthusiasm, personal thought, and plain old acts of kindness.

Just like in the movie "Evan All Mighty", it was explained that changing the world can be accomplished by providing one act of random kindness at a time. By gifting or gift giving, you can change someones day and outlook by simpling sending the right gift basket.

Picture coming home from work after a horrible day; you know phones ringing all day, your boss yelling at you, files missing, lost accounts, and miserable weather. As you reach your front door there is a box with your name and address on it. You enter the house, place your work items down, and begin to wonder where and who it came from. As you open the box and read the card you begin to elate with emotion. As you extract the basket from the box it is filled with treats that say "I was thinking of you". This is what it looks like:

This is just one of the many wonderful gourmet gift baskets that can be found at Each basket comes wrapped, some with bows and some without, and a personal greeting.

This is the Gourmet Connoisseur Gift Chest. You can see the contents by visiting our site.

Sending the right gift basket means that you took the time out to say "I know what you would like". For example a gift basket for a man could include coffee, grilling sensations, tailgating, or sports (fishing, football, or golf). With the right themed gift basket you can enlighten the event or get your message across to your recipient. The right gift basket does take a little thinking on you behalf but why not send the right basket.

The baskets at have all kinds of themes. Some of our themes include sports, spa, children activities, smoked salmon, and special thank you. You can find kosher baskets for those with dietary restrictions, baby baskets with Baby Einstein, baskets of blue, green, or even black.

Change someone's day today by sending a gift basket Enjoy the feeling of making someone's day better. Indulge in the art of gifting. Come visit today.